Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Five: Apps addition

Quick and simple because I'm about to toss in a movie.
(Oh, and yes. I did finish the book last night.)

Here are five apps that are essential on my iPhone:

 My Starbucks app.

The Aunt finally convinced me to get the app on my phone, and it's nice to have all my gift cards in one place.

It's especially nice when I run to Starbucks without my wallet, but with my cellphone so I still have a method of payment.
Since my new iPhone requires an adaptor to fit into my old iHome, and my new iPhone case doesn't allow said adaptor to fit very well, I decided to ditch the iHome altogether, especially since I was only using it to charge my phone at night.

I've gone back to my Sleep Cycle app, and remembered how it really does make it easier to wake up in the morning. After only four days of using it, I do actually notice a difference.
 This is my cleaning app. It combines something I hate (cleaning) with something I hate even worse: little red notification bubbles on my iPhone. I set up cleaning schedules and then it sends me notifications that I need to clean them. I could do a whole post about this app.

And it's helping me keep things a little bit cleaner.

Well... kind of...
Buzz Feed is my go-to time wasting and general knowledge app. New content is added so quickly, that anytime I'm at a stoplight or waiting in a line I can almost always find something to read. The topics range from serious to silly to absolutely ridiculous. And there are quizzes!

How else can I read about both the Ukraine banning Visas to top officials, 16 things Australians take for granted, the student killed in the South Carolina State shooting, and 25 signs I drink too much wine, all from one app?
This is my new commitment.

I record video (almost) every day, and then snip out one second to create a montage of footage.

I was going to do it when I turned 3-6, but then promptly forgot.

So I started it on New Year's Day, and have been collecting (almost) ever since.

What apps can't you live without?
What am I missing?

(And don't say flappy bird.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! I've already downloaded sleep cycles and buzzfeed, and I'm considering the cleaning app, but trying to figure out who i'm kidding with that one!

    I love the sleep cycles app, and it has totally made a difference to me, too! I'm pretty sure it's going to change my life. So thank you... for changing my life!




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