Friday, February 07, 2014

Five on Friday: {Not a snow day edition}

Today was not a snow day. We know because my district called all of the parents in the district at 5:30 AM to tell them school was in session.

As you can imagine, that went over well.

I celebrated by grumbling out loud the entire way from my classroom to the copy room about the situation. It went something like this:
stupid snow. this is ridiculous. I shouldn't be here. I can't believe this. I should be home asleep. STUPID snow. why can't we have a snow day? is that too much to ask? I can't believe I have to be here. I should be at home on my couch. I HATE SNOW. this is ridiculous. I'm moving to Australia. 
So, for today's Five on Friday (which seems to have had a different name every.single.Friday), I present for your enjoyment the five things I would rather be doing than being at school.

1. Snuggling on this couch with this girl under this blanket.

2. Reading all day long.
3. Arts and Crafts. Specifically, project life and a Valentine's mantle

4. I could get a few weeks worth of lesson plans done....

5. Even grading papers. I brought home a bunch. And then took them back to the school. And then brought them home again for the weekend. 


I went to school.

stupid snow. this is ridiculous. I shouldn't be here. I can't believe this. I should be home asleep. STUPID snow. why can't we have a snow day? is that too much to ask? I can't believe I have to be here. I should be at home on my couch. I HATE SNOW. this is ridiculous. I'm moving to Australia.

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