Friday, September 26, 2014

Been busy...


Been busy.
Been gone.

I have some free time in the near future, and I am determined to get the blog going again. i'm going to really try to get some written and scheduled, so on the days I don't have time to blog, there's still something there.

Topics may include, but will not be limited to:

1. Cast of Characters (It is a new school year, after all...
2. A Student Teacher
3. The First Hissy Fit of the 2013-2014 School Year
4. Five hours in a car
5. My mother, a day off, and then another day off.
6. What is this sleep you speak of?
7. A Sister, her boyfriend, and an impending engagement
8. What's in my bag (derby edition)
9. A Weekend in LBB
10. Littles and tragedy

For now, here's a video of a Great Dane throwing a fit to tide you over until I blog again.

1 comment:

  1. you blogged! =) i was beginning to think you'd fallen off the earth or something! ;)



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