Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Six Things

Some people make lists of 30 before 30, which are thirty things they want to do before they turn 30. Well, for starters, I am not good at getting things on lists accomplished. Luckily, I get so many other things accomplished that it makes my life a very lived one.

The other thing is that I turn 30 exactly six months from today. So, in honor of that, I'm going to create a six things in six months sort of list. I could make a list of thirty that would be puffed up with things like "take a trip" when I full well know I'm going to Chicago in less than a month. I could also put things like "get a pedicure" or other obscure things that I'm more than likely going to do.

Instead, I want to make a list of six very meaningful things that I want to accomplish in the next six months. I also want to look at the year ahead and see what I have already planned in my life and what kinds of things I will have to look forward to in the next six months.

Six things in six months:
1. Have another night like tonight, which involved several youth students, CiCi's pizza, trying to qualify for the "pizza-eating" team, and so much fun and love that it qualifies as worshipful.

2. Do something very out-of-character and totally unlike me. This past summer, I died my hair pink. It was the neatest thing ever. I tapped into parts of my personality that rarely surface. I learned alot about people and myself. And I want to do it again.

3. Still feel this way about my life. If I lose this, I might as well start calling myself old.

4. Really figure out how I feel about my church. I've had mixed feelings over the last few weeks, and I know more now, and I have to really really figure out where I am and how I stand about where and how and what I worship. This is going to be the tough one.

5. . Fall in love. I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't put this on the list. I'm not being specific. There are so many things/people/places to fall in love with. I've fallen in love with my princes and princesses. Now I just can't wait to see what I fall in love with next. Of course, if I get this, it wouldn't be that bad either.

6. Whatever may come, my goal for the next six months is to be all there.
"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." -Jim Elliot

Here goes nothing...



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