Thursday, January 03, 2013

Project Life: The Deciding

I've heard about PL for a couple of years, and know a few people that do it. I read a few blogs from it, but to be honest, with the exception of one of my {in real life} friends, I just skim over them. They are all wonderful little memory books documenting cute children and happy families. Things of which I have neither.

Then, I came across Elise Joy Blaha Cripe's blog. {I love it that she goes by four names}. She is married, but her album is mostly about her. It includes her husband, and now that she's cooking a baby, it will include much more of that. But this past year, it was mostly her. And it was do-able.

So, I hinted to Daisy that I might want this for Christmas from her. My mind was made up to give it a go, and so now I just had to get the things. (Daisy is no good on the interwebs). I already had an album, and just needed to pick an edition.

Since Elise inspired me, and then designed one of the editions, with colors I adore {turquoise and tangerine among them}, I decided the Seafoam edition was the one for me.

I was going to use the Seafoam. Seafoam it is. Seafoam was not on sale yet, but no worries- it was due mid-to-late December. Plenty of time before January 1.

Then, I got to talking about it with The Aunt, and decided that was her Christmas present. She's not near as much into turquoise and tangerine as I am (she's not a Gator), so I bought her the Amber edition and had it shipped to my house for wrapping. {Plus, I wanted her to be able to open something tangible on Christmas morning afternoon.}

After having it in my hands, I decided to throw caution to the wind and instead use the Amber edition, so I could have it immediately and begin being creatively brilliant right away.

But I really liked the Seafoam.
But I really wanted the Amber.
Oh wait! What's this? The Olive colors and patterns are so beautiful. Olive it is.
No, Seafoam. Seafoam it is.

Eventually, I committed to the Seafoam, even though it's not even on Amazon yet. But that's a story for another day.

I've been cleaning up my DD aftermath, collecting supplies, and trying to arrange a do-able space and routine for me. Because friends, I can stress myself into hating something a mere minutes after getting started. So I've outlined some goals for myself in regards to when, where, and how I will do this. That's also another story for another day.

And that title page I shared?
I hated it roughly 37.4 seconds after putting it on the blog.

So I redid it. And I am not allowing myself to touch it again, as it's now January and WEEK ONE! YAY!

Here is the final title page:
Not sure why it's oh so orange. There's some yellow in there. I promise. I'll use better light next time.
And there's one little embellishment on the yellow hexagons on the bottom. Just didn't want to rephoto.

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