Sunday, July 29, 2007

Of Surgery and Sabbatical

What are you doing for the next three weeks?

I'm taking a forced sabbatical. I have trouble saying no, and frequently overload myself. I actually find that I work better when I have lots of things to do. I do not do well with free time. At school, I have about a bazillion days, because I never take a day off. I have never taken a summer off.

But this summer is bigger than it should be (nod to Mikel). So I was able to do all of my church associate stuff, and still have 3 weeks off until I go back to school. I also have this little surgery thing I've been wanting to do for a while. So, tomorrow morning at the ever-loving crack of dawn, I'm going under the knife. But it's not a big deal, and I'll be home by tomorrow afternoon. But, it's gonna take some time to recover. So, I've got to take some time off. I seized an opportunity, and took three weeks off from my life, and five weeks off of church responsibilities on Sunday mornings and evenings. Seriously. I have three weeks of nothing planned.

This is something I've never experienced before. Three. Weeks. With nothing to do. No responsibilities. How am I going to pass the time you ask?

With this (I'm gonna read a few books...):

And this (and maybe catch a movie or two...):

You know you're jealous.

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